Pipenv Workflows

Clone / create project repository:

$ cd myproject

Install from Pipfile.lock, if there is one:

$ pipenv sync

Add a package to your project, recalibrating entire lock file using the Pipfile specifiers:

$ pipenv install <package>
  • Note: This will create a Pipfile if one doesn’t exist. If one does exist, it will automatically be edited with the new package you provided, the lock file updated and the new dependencies installed.

  • pipenv install is fully compatible with pip install package specifiers.

  • Additional arguments may be supplied to pip by supplying pipenv with --extra-pip-args.

Update everything (equivalent to pipenv lock && pipenv sync):

$ pipenv update

Update and install just the relevant package and its sub-dependencies:

$ pipenv update <package>

Update in the Pipfile/lockfile just the relevant package and its sub-dependencies:

$ pipenv upgrade <package>

Find out what’s changed upstream:

$ pipenv update --outdated

Determine the virtualenv PATH:

$ pipenv --venv

Activate the Pipenv shell:

$ pipenv shell
  • Note: This will spawn a new shell subprocess, which can be deactivated by using exit.