Custom Script Shortcuts

It is possible to create custom shortcuts in the optional [scripts] section of your Pipfile.

You can then run pipenv run <shortcut name> in your terminal to run the command in the context of your pipenv virtual environment even if you have not activated the pipenv shell first.

For example, in your Pipfile:

    printspam = "python -c \"print('I am a silly example, no one would need to do this')\""

And then in your terminal:

$ pipenv run printspam
I am a silly example, no one would need to do this

Commands that expect arguments will also work.

    echospam = "echo I am really a very silly example"

Invoke script:

$ pipenv run echospam "indeed"
I am really a very silly example indeed

You can also specify package functions as callables such as: <pathed.module>:<func>. These can also take arguments. For example:

my_func_with_args = {call = "package.module:func('arg1', 'arg2')"}
my_func_no_args = {call = "package.module:func()"}

To run the script:

$ pipenv run my_func_with_args
$ pipenv run my_func_no_args

You can display the names and commands of your shortcuts by running pipenv scripts in your terminal.

$ pipenv scripts
command   script
echospam  echo I am really a very silly example